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Consequences of a Successfull French Invasion
Specimen of Equality & Fraternity
Lord Longbow, the Alarmist, discovering the Miseries of Ireland
John Wilkes Esqr.
Neithe War Nor Peace!
The End of Pain
Posting to the Election
Spirit of Democracy
Brissot's Visit to his Friend Lord Leveller
A French Hail Storm
Democratic Leveling; - Alliance a la Francoise; - or - The Union of the Coronet & Clyster-pipe
Tom Paine
The Effects of British Valour on the French Directory
The Fruits of Arbitrary Power, or The Bloody Massacre
The New Dynasty
The Loyal Address! - or - the Procession of the Hampshire-Hogs from Botley to St. James's
A Bait for John Bull
[Imitation Bank Note]
A Peep into the Retreat at Tinnehinch
Two Pair of Portraits presented to all the unbiassed Electors of Great Britain, by John Horne Tooke